Activated Charcoal Lemonade

Activated charcoal is charcoal that has been treated with oxygen at very high temperatures to make it more porous. This treatment changes its internal structure, reducing the size of its pores and increasing its surface area.

Blended into our ‘lemonade’ you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the taste! The sharpness of the lemons gives it a fresh taste while the sweetness of the agave nectar takes the edge off!

It doesn’t get absorbed by your gut. After you swallow it, it reaches your gut in its unchanged form.

The charcoal’s porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged molecules, such as toxins and gases. When liquids or gases pass through this activated charcoal, they bind to it through a process known as adsorption.

These toxins and chemicals get trapped in your gut and eliminated through stool instead of being absorbed into your body

Activated charcoal is also very effective at adsorbing gases, which can help reduce gas and flatulence.

It is claimed by some that it can also help with hangovers and stomach upsets/diarrhoea (research continues on this)

Helps to clean your teeth

Plus it looks mysterious and everyone will be asking you what you’re drinking. The answer? Black Magic!

What is Included?

What's In My Box?

  • High in vitamin C – supports the immune system and aids the absorption of iron from other vegetables in the juices.
  • Despite their acidic taste, lemons have an alkalising effect on the body. Balancing the body’s pH level is important for overall health and may contribute to reducing the risk of certain health issues related to excessive acidity.
  • Digestive aid – lemon juice can stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and promote healthy digestion.
  • Lemons contain compounds with natural antibacterial properties.
  • Binds to toxins in the digestive system, preventing their absorption into the bloodstream.
  • Can help to reduce excessive gas in the digestive system. It can absorb (stick to the surface of the charcoal) gas molecules, potentially providing relief from bloating & flatulence.
  • Cleans your teeth!
  • It is important not to consume more than one bottle of activated charcoal per day. Whilst it is an important part of the cleanse process, consuming too much can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients and can cause constipation.
  • Natural sweetener derived from the sap of an agave plant. It provides sweetness without the use of refined sugars.
  • Lower Glycemic Index than other sweeteners which means it may cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels. This can be beneficial for individuals looking to manage their blood sugar.
  • Vegan friendly
  • Rich in Fructans – a type of carbohydrate which can act as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and supporting digestive health.

How To Store

All Recovery Juices juices will be prepared, bottled, and shipped quickly, preserving their nutrients effectively for 7 days when refrigerated promptly upon arrival.

Our juice are ALIVE!
We don't treat any of our juices. We don't heat treat, pasteurise or put our bottles through high pressure processing (HPP) to elongate their shelf life. We market FRESH, RAW juice and we wholly believe that is what you should receive. Who wants to drink 'fresh juice' that is 28 days old?!
So we ask that you look after them and treat with care.

If you have ordered a cleanse programme and have a planned start date that is more than 1-2 days after your delivery date (we all love a Monday start!), you can pop your cleanse into the freezer to keep the nutrient content locked in.

Upon delivery, transfer the juices directly to your freezer. The night before your detox begins, move the juices to the fridge for thawing, ensuring they're ready to enjoy in the morning.For best results, thaw the entire detox batch in one go to maintain consistency and ensure you don't forget!

Completing the full cleanse, whether 3 or 5 days, yields optimal benefits!

Daily Recharge Wellness Juices:
If you've selected Daily Wellness Juices, they'll arrive fresh. You will receive 28 bottles - transfer them straight to the freezer upon delivery. Each evening, move one juice to the fridge to thaw overnight, ready for your daily dose of goodness in the morning! And don't forget to restock when you are running low!

Daily Juices/Plans/Bundles
Transfer immediately to the fridge upon arrival. Drink when required according to the bundle you have purchased. If you don't think you will drink your entire delivery within the 7 day shelf life, don't waste them! Put any spare juices in the freezer and take them out when you need a hit of vitality!

Wellness Shots:
As with our juices, our shots are raw and fresh. If you have ordered 14/21/28 shots, pop a few in your fridge for the week ahead and the rest in the freezer. Don't forget about them! Take another batch out when required. You'll have a constant supply of morning wellness in your kitchen!
If you have any questions about the storage of your juice delivery please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact page or email us direct at

Happy Juicing!!